Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Makeover for the Starbucks Mermaid (Response)


As someone who infrequently visits Starbucks I never really took the time to notice their logo. It was only by reading this article that I found out that it was a mermaid that adorned the cups of the often overpriced beverages with an apple like cult following. This being said I find Mr. Heller's statement  "Fear of change may have something to do with it. Trademarks and logos are so integrally linked to our daily lives that any tinkering with the familiar is suspect — and to be avoided." to be very true. People generally do not like change. I personally fail to see a problem with the logo change. The article does a service by providing the reader with a history of all the Starbucks logos dating all the way back to 1971. That's 41 years of having their mermaid incorporated as their logo. Since the logo still retains the same color scheme, and the main focal point of logos before it I don't see any reason the more minimalist approach should not still be easily identifiable with their customers. Personally I find the logo better than it's predecessor as it gives off the vibe of a fresh start, but the real challenge will be whether the company can justify this redesign with an improvement of some sort in their actual product or service.

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