Tuesday, March 20, 2012

LDL: DC Entertainment Logo (Response)


I first came across this new logo while watching one of their newest series and thought to myself "what was wrong with the old one?" I didn't really get how it related to DC. After analyzing it further I discovered that the D was peeled back revealing the C. Even though it was a clever design I still failed to see any significance it it compared to it's predecessors, but after reading the above article I have a new found respect for it. DC stated that “The design of the new DC Entertainment identity uses a “peel” effect – the D is strategically placed over the C with the upper right-hand portion of the D peeling back to unveil the hidden C – symbolizing the duality of the iconic characters that are present within DC Entertainment’s portfolio.” The moment I read that I immediately was reminded of the companies biggest rivalries (Batman vs Joker, Superman vs Lex Luther etc...) The DC universe is full of heroes and villains that are polar opposites in every way, but still have some kind of unbreakable connection to each other. I see now how this logo impressively represents that. The only problem is that it's not something that is not immediately apparent to the viewer which some may find to be counter productive to the purpose of a logo.

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